It appears fashionable, all of a sudden, for people to want my photograph and a brief biography. That is, two organisations have asked in quick succession, this time my own Parish Clerk for our village website. And, whilst I could have simply recycled the first one, these are my friends and neighbours, so I thought that I ought to put a little more detail in this time... Mark Valladares is the Chair of Creeting St Peter Parish Council, and has been since 2018, having been on the Council in this incarnation since 2016. With decades of experience watching other people ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Bureaucracy

Conservative Party Co-Chairman Amanda Milling has written to Conservatives around the country, stating that elections will take place in May.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

The Ludlow Racecourse Vaccination Centre begins work tomorrow. Many over 70s will have already received invitations. The first shuttle bus will leave the Eco Park at 7:45am. It will call at The Compasses on Corve Street at 7:50am. The bus will arrive at the Racecourse at 7:57am. The return journey to the Eco Park via Corve Street leaves three minutes later. This free shuttle will continue every 15 minutes both ways throughout the day with the last bus from the Racecourse departing at 20:14. The 701 service will run hourly from Ludlow Assembly Rooms and will visit areas of the ...

Posted by andybodders on Andy Boddington

Second paragraph of third chapter:Major James Arnold studied the tussocked wasteland of the central plateau. Beyond the bleak rolling plains of tundra, the snow-capped peak of Mount Ruapehu dominated the skyline, magnificent despite the flurries of ash on the window pane. It wasn't the first time Arnold had borrowed the office or stood in this spot, yet never had the situation been so grave.This was one of the finalists for the Sir Julius Vogel Awards at CoNZealand last year. It turns out to be the third in a series where New Zealand law enforcers find themselves entangled with the ancient ...

I'm returning once again to the photographic collection of Neil Reston, a former BR employee, whose historic railway photos were passed on to me in 2020 by his family. This posting concerns Southport where I've identified 6 photos which I think will have been taken in 1959 but stand to be corrected if anyone reading this blog thinks otherwise. Southport Whit- Monday Former West Lancs Railway Station There is no commentary with the photos other than the last 2 where I have included the wording in the photo album. Maybe it would be a reasonable assumption to think that they ...

Posted by Cllr. Tony Robertson on Sefton Focus
Mon 1st

My tweets

Sun, 12:37: Ohdearwhatapitynevermind Sun, 13:31: Amazing to think that two years ago this weekend, F and I were able to fly to Zagreb and drive around Bosnia, seeing many old friends including @pedjabajovic, reliving old memories for me and creating new ones for us both. Those days will come again. Sun, 15:00: Starter for Ten, by David Nicholls Told with such gusto, such humour, such toe-curling excruciating accuracy, that I actually forgot as I neared the end that I knew exactly what was going to happen. #nwbooks Sun, 15:09: RT @amcunningham: @nwbrux I really ...

I know that many people, including me, are getting frustrated at the length of time enquiries into the work of Liverpool's regeneration department are taking at the moment. I get loads of emails almost every day telling me of new ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?
Mon 1st

In praise of Erasmus+

In January 2020, Boris Johnson told the Commons that; There is no threat to the Erasmus scheme, and we will continue to participate in it. UK students will continue to be able to enjoy the benefits of exchanges with our European friends and partners, just as they will be able to continue to come to this country. So, true to form, we are leaving the programme. This decision has highlighted a lack of understanding of what it involved. Coverage of the programme in the press, and by politicians, from the Prime Minister down, refers only to Universities, which is just ...

Posted by Paul Harrison on Liberal Democrat Voice

The Independent reports that the UK s formally applying to join a major free trade area including Australia, Canada, Japan and Singapore known as the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). Apparently, the Department for International Trade believe that joining the CPTPP would cut tariffs on food, drink and cars and improve access to the markets of its members, such as Mexico, New Zealand and Vietnam. Other benefits are said to include easier travel between partnership countries and cheaper visas. This is despite the fact that they are tens of thousands of miles away and that these countries represent only ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

i) births and deaths 1 February 1946: birth of the much missed Elisabeth Sladen, who played Sarah Jane Smith (companion to Third and Fourth Doctors, 1973-76; various appearances from then on, culminating in her own series from 2007 to 2011). 1 February 1962: birth of Lisa Bowerman, who played Karra in Survival (Seventh Doctor, 1989), the last person killed by the Master in Old Who; and has also played Bernice Summerfield in Big Finish audios since 1998, as well as taking a hand with directing and writing. 1 February 2000: death of Reginald Jessup, who played Admiral de Coligny's servant ...


DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL - WEEKLY ROAD REPORT - WEST END WARD Forthcoming Road Works A991 West Marketgait (Hawkhill to Guthrie Street) - northbound nearside lane closure on Monday 8 February for roof inspection works.