Ed Davey statement regarding The Princess of Wales "The system failed Kaylea, we cannot allow it to happen again"- Mid and West Wales MS Jane Dodds Tory support in freefall – Rob offers London liberal choice Scottish Liberal Democrats respond to publication of Fair Fares Review Ed Davey statement regarding The Princess of Wales Responding to the Princess of Wales' video statement, Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey MP said: What sad news. My thoughts and prayers are with the Princess of Wales tonight. Liberal Democrats join the whole country in wishing her a speedy recovery and hope the Royal Family ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

Remember my post about Danny Chambers and the world's oldest ever dog that wasn't? It concerned a press story about Bobi, a Portuguese mastiff who died last year, supposedly at the age 31 years and five months. Bobi was briefly listed as the world's oldest ever dog by the Guinness World Records, but it has now withdrawn that recognition. Danny, who is a vet and a council member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, was quoted as saying he didn't believe the claim about Bobi and he didn't know any vet who did. Well, the story has made the ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

You'll find this one in the small town of Earl Shilton, which lies 10 miles south west of Leicester. I believe it used to stand in the centre, but it's now on the corner of a road called Doctors Fields towards the edge of town. This move may explain why it's in such lovely condition. I photographed my first Edward VIII box in Leicester itself and, after Earl Shilton today, I have just one more in the county to find. Legend has it that there used to be a second one in the city - somewhere north of Uppingham Road ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

On Thursday, at their summit in Brussels, EU leaders agreed in principle to commandeer most of the profits being generated from frozen Russian state assets to use in support of Ukraine. This news follows last weekend's Lib Dem Spring conference's endorsement of an amendment to the "Liberal Values in A Dangerous World" motion, calling for legal ways to be found to access the estimated US$ 300 billion of the Russian state's frozen sovereign assets - about half the total being held in the world – as reparations for Ukraine. The World Bank estimates that US$ 480 billion's worth of damage ...

Posted by George Cunningham on Liberal Democrat Voice

There were 4 principal council by-elections on Thursday night. The Liberal Democrats stood candidates in 3 of them and there was a lot of success to enjoy with a superb gain from the Conservatives and really good performances in places where we did not stand in the previous election. Our gain came on Cambridgeshire County Council in Yaxley and Farcet ward. Here Councillor Andrew Wood overturned a 700 vote Conservative majority to win in a close three way contest. The win also makes the Lib Dems the largest group on the Council which was balanced at 22 councillors each for ...

Posted by Charles Quinn on Liberal Democrat Voice
Fri 22nd

Growing up in poverty

The Mirror reports that damning figures from the Department of Work and Pensions have revealed that 30% of all UK children were living in relative poverty in the year to March 2023. The paper says that a record 4.3 million children are growing up in poverty as cost of living pressures pushed another 100,000 kids into hardship last year: In a bleak picture of the state of the UK, the number of people living in absolute poverty rose for a second year to hit a 30-year high after energy bills rocketed in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Another ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

Four principal authority council by-elections this week, with three Liberal Democrat candidates. That is two up on the last time these seats were up.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Back in early 2020, Fraser obtained a commitment for Community Payback to repaint the railings of Blackness Library which are in a really poor state. Unfortunately the COVID pandemic at the time resulted in this work not taking place Michael was photographed at the railings recently and - as the photos indicate - the need for work to repaint the railings is now urgent. We have therefore taken up this matter again with the City Council and will keep residents updated on progress.

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End