Ed Davey warns Sunak facing sewage local elections backlash on campaign visit to Dorset Khan already failing on Met recruitment Sewage spills rise: 21,660 "disgusting" sewage dumps in 2023 Scottish Liberal Democrats respond to Housing Bill Cole-Hamilton responds to hackers' threat of publishing NHS stolen data Rennie: Ministers' fingerprints all over Tydeman sacking Ed Davey warns Sunak facing sewage local elections backlash on campaign visit to Dorset Liberal Democrat Leader Ed Davey will today warn that Rishi Sunak is facing a "sewage backlash" at the ballot box in May's local elections, on a visit to West Dorset as part of ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

NHS satisfaction survey: Govt can't be trusted with NHS Sewage spills rise: Ed Davey calls for national environmental emergency to be declared Lib Dem comment on E.coli in Thames Scotland's sewage crisis 40% worse than previously thought Bus journeys plummet by 31% NHS satisfaction survey: Govt can't be trusted with NHS Responding to the British Social Attitudes survey on NHS satisfaction, Liberal Democrat Health and Social Care spokesperson Daisy Cooper MP said: This is a damning assessment of the Government's management of the NHS. Years and years of neglect and incompetence has run our NHS into the ground. NHS staff ...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

A shocking report from HFM News: There has been a big increase in the amount of raw sewage dumped into the River Welland in Market Harborough. 117 separate incidents were recorded last year - a 44% rise on 2022. Sewage flowed into the watercourse for over 1,300 hours, which is nearly double the amount of time it did during the year before and equates to 54 days continuously. Water companies are permitted to allow untreated waste to be released into rivers during heavy rainfall to stop sewers backing up. The data has been released by the Environment Agency, which monitors ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Plans have been published for a drive-thru Costa Coffee adjacent to Sainsbury's at Rocks Green. This site has planning permission for a petrol filling station but Sainsbury's did not want to proceed with that and other fuel retailers were not interested. The site was not attractive to finger licking or burger munching takeaways. I don't know the details of why but a McDonalds, KFC or similar would not suit a residential area due to late night traffic. This site is an eyesore and in need of development. A coffee house would suit the needs of the local community, who could ...

Posted by andybodders on

Last night I had a great time at the Shah Jalal Mosque in Granby at an event arranged by Cllr Hasan. It drove home to me just how many people from different backgrounds make up the wonderful city of Liverpool. ... Continue reading →

Posted by richardkemp on But what does Richard Kemp think?

Politicians' memoirs are ten-a-penny while books by statisticians in the House of Commons Library can be counted on one thumb. This is that book and its rarity makes it all the more valuable. We are familiar with the flood of Government statistics; what is less apparent to the reader is how the data behind the statistics was collected. This book exposes how unreliable such data can be and how it can mislead even well-intentioned politicians. Sturge provides a number of examples. We remember Gordon Brown meeting Gillian Duffy in Rochdale during the 2010 General Election, but what Brown and other ...

Posted by Laurence Cox on Liberal Democrat Voice

Writing in the Local Government Chronicle, Colin Rallings and Michael Thrasher forecast a bad night for the Conservatives in May's local elections: "If the Conservatives repeat their poor performance of 2023, when the NEV [national equivalent vote] put them below 30%, they stand to lose up to 500 seats - half their councillors facing election. "Labour may make about 300 gains, with the Liberal Democrats and Greens both likely to advance. We will not know the extent of any Reform party challenge until nominations close, but it cannot be completely discounted." One reason the Tories stand to make such large ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

In reflecting the other day on the ttactics being used by the Tories to discredit Keir Starmer I was motvated to look up a notorious speech that was allegedly delivered in a Florida primary contest in 1950 by George A. Smathers. As Florida Today says, personal attacks and name calling have a long tradition in American political campaigns and when polled, people overwhelmingly say they do not approve of such tactics, yet election results demonstrate that such negative campaigning is frequently successful. They add that when modern political commentators discuss the divisiveness of contemporary American politics, they often refer to ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

The ink was barely dry on the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman's report on the DWP's failure to warn women of changes in their State Pension age than Jeremy Hunt was popping up on Sunday's Kuenssberg programme trying to wriggle out of the Government's responsibilities to compensate those women. This issue affects 6 million women born in the 195os, many of whom had to wait 6 years longer than they had expected to get their State Pension and only found out at the last minute so they had no time to plan accordingly. This has led to them experiencing hardship, ...

Posted by NewsHound on Liberal Democrat Voice

Last year, we reported that, following Storm Arwen resulting in a large tree falling at West Marketgait near Palais Court, an assurance had been given to us that a new tree would be planted during a future planting season. We are pleased to report that this has now happened - Michael is pictured at the new tree - below. With regard to several other felled trees we reported, the Service Manager (Environment) has updated us as follows : "Forestry have further advised that all trees mentioned have been purchased and are in transit from our supplier and will be planted ...

Posted by Bailie Fraser Macpherson & Cllr Michael Crichton on Councillors Fraser Macpherson & Michael Crichton - working for the West End