Sunday 25th February 2007

10:33 pm

Guinness Marmite

Gravatar Marmite I love it. And Vegemite... But the one exciting me is the announcement of 300,000 special edition jars of Guinness Marmite - which both the Guinness Blog and the Marmite Love chat forum say is next to impossible to get hold of. I want some!!!
10:33 pm

A watcher lurks in Maidstone...

Gravatar Awake at an unreasonably early time to get to Maidstone for the shortlisting interviews for Maidstone and The Weald. I'm not an early morning person, and that's doubly true on Sundays but, for the good of the Party... I made it to the interview venue in good time, and over coffee the interview strategy was agreed amongst the panel. The first candidate was brought in, and introduced to the panel,
10:26 pm

David Kelly: The Conspiracy Files

Gravatar I have just watched this programme. I can't say I was convinced that Dr Kelly's death was not suicide, despite the mighty presence of Norman Baker. Still, here is a link to Rowena Thursby's blog for those of you who want to read more on the case.
10:13 pm

Don't listen to the voices in your head

Gravatar The world has officially gone mad. I agree with Michael Portillo. He's written an article in today's Sunday Times on why overtly religious politicians are a bad thing for the rest of us; basic thesis being that if they are taking instructions from their imaginary friends then they probably aren't listening to the voters very much. Even more worrying I agree with a lot of what Justin Hinchcliffe
9:52 pm

More on Trident coming

Gravatar Nick Harvey tomorrow, and the Lib Dem European Group the day after.
9:43 pm

Holiday planning

Gravatar In May, after the local elections, I'm taking a well earned break. Its quite some time since I've taken a holiday, so I'm really looking forward to spending a couple of weeks with friends away from here. Today we spent the afternoon consulting guide books, maps and t'internet in working out what we wanted to see and where we could stay in southern florida. The plan is shaping up along the lines of starting from Orlando and doing a clockwise route down the east coast towards Miami, out to Key West, Everglades, then Tampa/St Petersburg. We're going to be mainly ...
9:42 pm

And back down to earth

Gravatar The following - short - conversation took place this afternoon: Me: So, you did see me on the telly, then? Friend: Yes - you could have done with some make-up.
9:38 pm

Is this the way to oppose recycling?

Gravatar Oxford is a battleground. There’s a war on waste but there’s also a war about the war. While recycling sounds like a cause akin to loving Mandela and wanting world peace – a progressive’s no-brainer – it has become in this city a cause for the barricades. Yes, in Oxford, which prides itself on its intellectual and liberal credentials, even here there’s a backlash against raising the city’s appallingly low rate of recycling by the tried-and-tested method of wheelie bins and alternate weekly collections. For anybody who’s interested in how a political dog-fight can threaten to derail even the most ...
9:30 pm

Following the dog on cannock chase

Gravatar Saturday was an early start as I headed out to Cannock Chase to go mountain biking. I've not done xc in this country, only in France & Spain, so I've not experienced the delights of UK mud. It was an excellent morning's riding, with only one crash (my own fault as my hand slipped from my front brake, and ended up bailing over the front, only a handful of abrasions to show for it and the ubiquitous chain ring mark on the back of my calf). Fortunately no one saw me come off, except my back back had picked up ...
8:53 pm

Creationism, bad for your reputation

Gravatar The latest pro-creationist campaign run by the Discovery Institute seeks to establish credibility for the Intelligent Design movement by publishing a list of “reputable scientists” who are willing to endorse ID as an alternative to the theory of Evolution. None of the names listed have any particular relevance to evolutionary development or have published any [...]
8:35 pm

Trident......have our MP's been gagged?

Gravatar Well, by this time next week t'will be all over bar the shouting. But I am still astounded that despite Colin Ross having written to all our parliamentarians regarding their position on Trident, he has had only two sign his petition, MSPs Mike Rumbles (former Army Major) and Mike Pringle and no others come out against replacement. So, for me, it begs the question? Maybe I have missed it, but I haven't heard so much as a pipsqueak from anyone who does not take the Campbell/Harvey line. I am hoping we will hear more on Saturday - but I ain't ...
8:28 pm

A Weekend With An Owl God

Gravatar If you have ever spent a weekend with an owl god, you will know that it can be a character-building experience. I have vivid memories of the time Chalchiuhtecolotl, the night owl god of the Aztecs, made itself at home in my flat for three trying days. I live in a glitzy and gleaming block, [...]
8:09 pm

Suffolk school campaigners wanting to turn back the clock over Middle School reforms are wrong

Gravatar In Norfolk and Suffolk, the old middle School system, which involved 8-12 year olds being in separate Middle schools is being replaced with a system of Infant and Junior schools, teaching the appropriate keystage, or all through Primary schools teaching all children up to the age of eleven. In Norfolk, this process had been virtually completed, with the remaining Middle schools in Norwich closing in July and new schools opening in September. However, Suffolk, which is at a similar stage, thinks that it knows better, or at least some campaigners do. The EDP reports on the complaints and ...
8:09 pm

Bremner on Hain

Gravatar The BBC carries an article on Rory Bremner's little prank on Margaret Beckett and Peter Hain. Unlike the Foreign Secretary, Mr. Hain saw right through it due to Bremner's lack of knowledge about Wales. In The Observer this morning Bremner still seems confused about what happens this side of the Severn Bridge, referring to the Blaenau Ffestiniog by-election instead of Blaenau Gwent. What Bremner did of course is entirely wrong and irresponsible. Nevertheless, he has a good line in patter: Bremner questioned Mr Hain's views on renewing Britain's nuclear weapons and the Iraq war and said: "I ...
7:48 pm

The day Mr Blair reached his point of no return

Gravatar Today’s Observer previews one of the revelations to be broadcast in the second part of Michael Cockerell’s profile of Tony Blair - the confirmation by Mr Blair’s former chief policy advisor, Sir Stephen Wall, that the Prime Minister and his press secretary Alastair Campbell cynically played the anti-French card to justify the Labour Government’s decision to go to war with Iraq on a false
7:46 pm

Sunday reading

Gravatar Tim Worstall's latest BritBlog Roundup is in place and Liberal Democrat Voice offers a new Top of the Blogs feature. The First Post has its usual digest of the Sunday papers.
7:26 pm

Don't Watch This, Watch That!

Gravatar Don’t read this posting - it’s only purpose is to blog-up the new ‘Top of the Blogs: the Golden Dozen’ feature I’ve posted over at Lib Dem Voice… 12 of the best (including seven of the most popular) articles featured on the Aggregator in the last week. Enjoy.
7:16 pm

Introducing 'Top of the Blogs: the Golden Dozen'

Gravatar Welcome to this, the first Lib Dem ‘Top of the Blogs’. The idea is simple enough. Each week, we’ll list the top postings which have appeared on the Lib Dem Blogs Aggregator during the previous seven days. And then I’ll hand-pick another five you might have otherwise missed to showcase the diversity of talent within [...]
6:55 pm

Oldham East and Saddleworth looking for a constituency organiser

Gravatar £16k, so would suit someone starting out in politics and looking to get on the ladder.  Applications close tomorrow, to apply send a CV and covering letter to Neil (replace WHOISAT with @ to e-mail). Position is full time, working with PPC Alison Smith, along with the local party and the local council group.  [...]
6:52 pm

Candidate news: PPC ads

Gravatar The following seats have recently announced they are seeking Prospective Parliamentary Candidates (people to run as the Lib Dem candidate for MP at the next General Election). We list the constituency name, application closing date, and the contact details of the Returning Officer, whom you should contact for an application form. The details are lifted manually [...]
6:14 pm

Stonewall Quins (Harlequins 15 - Bristol 8)

Gravatar The talk in the bar after what was an otherwise forgettable game at the Stoop yesterday was how much the Quins defence has improved during the season. Saving an interception try, Bristol's attack came away with a solitary penalty to show for their days work. This was a game were we huffed and we puffed for long periods without being able to get over the whitewash, but despite a late rally by
6:09 pm

Is it possible to reform the NUS?

Gravatar I read "How can student politics learn lessons from Lib Dem election victories?" by Alexander Kemp with interest due to our recent NUS elections and upcoming student union elections at Manchester. The success of the Jewish society and Labour Students compared to the past whitewash by Student Respect/the Islamic Society, and an apparent 20% turnout increase since last year (I don't have the exact figures), show that it is possible to stand and indeed to win. He is entirely true to speak about the lack of interest from Lib Dems at university. We (Lib Dems at Manchester) did not ...
5:13 pm

Respect for "God Save the Queen" at Croke Park - a watershed moment

Gravatar I have had the privilege to visit Ireland about a dozen times in the last ten years. Whenever I visit Dublin I immediately feel at home. Even browsing in the airport bookshop I feel I am at ease - the books about Gaelic traditions, the green scarves, the Leprauchauns...It all just feels as though I am home. My grandmother was of Irish extraction. Her maiden name was Haley, a good old Irish
5:00 pm

Why Can't MPs See The Folly of Trident?

Gravatar There are dozens of things that could be said about this article by Mary Riddell. I'm going to look at just one of the underpining assumptions made by her and a surprisingly large number of other columists too when they come to discuss how best to keep the UK safe. This assumption is that countries which occupy the moral, and usually democratic, high ground always win wars. We've all been lucky really. World War One, World War Two and The Cold War were all won by the nations which had greater respect for human rights and democracy than their opponents. ...
4:08 pm

How can student politics learn lessons from Lib Dem election victories?

Gravatar The National Union of Students is the largest membership organisation in the UK, and it exists, essentially, to work on student rights. It also provides services to students and students’ unions such as discount cards and cheaper beer for the SU bar. For me though, the most important part of NUS is that [...]
4:06 pm

Paddy O’Connell is God but Bonnie Greer is just wrong

Gravatar Paddy O’Connell is without doubt the best presenter on national radio.  I’ve been warming recently to Nicky Campbell (I’ve always felt Campbell was lot less clever than he thought, while Simon Mayo was a lot cleverer than he thought, but Campbell is winning me over.)  But O’Connell is just brilliant.  I love his super-dry wit [...]
11:55 am

Margaret Beckett caught on tape

Gravatar It's being reported today that Margaret Beckett has said some fairly indiscreet things about cabinet colleagues. Rory Bremner telephoned her on the day of the General Election, pretending to be Gordon Brown and asking her opinions on senior colleagues. The recording wasn't broadcast, but the Sunday Times is saying they had heard the conversation. Some of the things she apparently said: He [Bremner speaking as Brown] asks her opinion on Mr Byers and party Chairman Alan Milburn, and Mrs Beckett replies: "Being perfectly honest, Gordon, and I wouldn't say this to anyone else, I mean I ...
11:22 am

Just so you know

Gravatar If you live in the BBC South region, I’m on the lunch-time Politics Show today (BBC1, 12 noon) discussing how politicians market themselves. I’ll be appearing alongside Ed Vaizey, blogging Tory MP for Wantage, Oscar van Nooijen, a former fundraising colleague and now a New Labour councillor here in Oxford… and Captain Sensible, in his latest guise as leader of the direct-democracy Blah Party. I
11:08 am

Give your bonuses to the Labour Party, says Hain

Gravatar You might have seen Peter Hain's recent call for a large proportion of City bonuses to be given to charity. He has now made it clear exactly which charity he thinks it should be - the Labour party. I suppose it's one way of dealing with the continued debate on Party funding.
8:46 am

The canyon and the singularity

Gravatar I've been reading the Meaning of the 21st Century by James Martin. Being a 'realistic' future vision, it discusses and explains many of the old familiars:- soil erosion, world population growth, climate change, genetic engineering and nanotechnology. This will be news if you've never read a 'futures' book before, don't remember school geography and/or would be too embarrassed to loiter in the
8:25 am

Accentuating the positive?

Gravatar Whilst we are on the subject of constructive political debate, Bethan Jenkins, highlights the latest poster campaign from Plaid Cymru. The message is simple - 'fed up with Labour, then vote them out'. Somehow this translates on her blog as a 'positive change of direction'. Given that the poster has nothing positive to say whatsoever in terms of policy or direction, I have a great deal of difficulty accepting that premise. Bethan also legitimately claims that Labour are falling back onto 'fear factor politics'. A neutral observer may notice that this is something close to what Plaid are doing ...
8:16 am

Stunted ambition

Gravatar This morning's Observer leader is absolutely damning about Labour's Leadership and Deputy Leadership battles: Paucity of debate means also that the deputy leadership election is shaping up to be a drab parade of stunted ambition, a conference sideshow of apparatchik introspection with nothing to add to the conversation about what direction the country, rather than just the Labour party, should take. By contrast a proper battle for the leadership would put some wind into the sails of a becalmed government. It would give the Chancellor the opportunity to refute his critics, demonstrating that he can ...
7:27 am

Cultivate a reputation for meanness....

Gravatar Now, I know, I did promise the phrase of the day last Thrsday, so here it is….again it is a quote, so usual prize for the clever monkey who works out who said what, where and when: On the topic of Study and Exercise 1. Become familiar with the terrain 2. Research and imitate the actions of great men 3. Read historical works4. Never remain idle in quiet times
7:19 am

Chard and Illy update

Gravatar An update from your County Councillor, Paul Buchanan. It looks as if 2007 is going to be a great year for Chard. The focus, professionalism and determination of our new Town Clerk, John Furze is sure to bring us the much-coveted 'Quality Status' and this alone has huge implications for what Chard can do in the future. Many of you may know that the County Council is restructuring itself to bring the work we do closer to the communities we serve. We have created a new set of Area Panels. These Area Panels are made ...
2:37 am

Tiny Enid Takes A Nap

Gravatar Tiny Enid knew how vitally important it is to take an afternoon nap. Because she was so often engaged in thrilling adventures, which usually involved kicking someone’s head in, she did not always find it easy to lull herself to sleep. As this rare picture shows, she was as resourceful a girl when it came [...]
1:07 am

Norman Baker: "David Kelly was murdered"

Gravatar The BBC website carries a preview of The Conspiracy Files, which is being shown today (Sunday) at 9 p.m. on BBC 2. It quotes Norman Baker, the Lib Dem MP for Lewes and all-round Liberal hero: Mr Baker, who has spent a year investigating the case, believes there is enough evidence to suggest that the scientist did not kill himself. The Liberal Democrat MP said toxicology reports suggested there was not enough painkiller in Dr Kelly's system to kill him, and the method he had apparently chosen to commit suicide was not a recognised or effective one. ...
12:43 am

More Eurovision pap from the BBC

Gravatar So the BBC has announced there will be no Morrissey for Eurovision. Morons.

Previous days:

Saturday 24th February 2007, Friday 23rd February 2007, Thursday 22nd February 2007, Wednesday 21st February 2007, Tuesday 20th February 2007, Monday 19th February 2007