Friday 7th March 2008

9:38 pm

Mad Men

Gravatar Mad Men arrived on British television this week. It can be seen on BBC Four on Sundays and on BBC Two on Thursdays. Set in the 1960s, Mad Men tells the tale of the ad execs of Madison Avenue. Its central focus is Don Draper, a Creative Director on the edge. He is as amoral and cynical: exactly as the stereotype requires. Given that Draper's job is to sell a brand or narrative, is his own narrative a lie he puts out to excuse himself from what he does Only time will tell and it is absolutely clear from the ...
9:28 pm

Calamity or clever

Gravatar In the 24/7 world we live in people are quick to judge. The press and blog response about the referendum vote and how Nick Clegg handled it was fairly damaging and issued very quickly. It was assumed that what Clegg did was a miscalculation. That led to people talking about ineptitude and to begin questioning how good a leader he is. But this morning Nick Robinson posted his thoughts - Lib Dems get noticed. If his analysis is right, things could have been a whole lot worse for the Liberal Democrats. According to Robinson, the majority of the parliamentary party ...
9:23 pm

Honey of the Week The People Speak

Gravatar Like Ed Leigh it is blue, has occupied the space on the right, and exists mainly for the purposes of amusement. I refer of course to the Orange By Name poll. The poll hath remained for long enough and this evening is replaced with an equally self-absorbed waste of time. A grand total of eighty-nine thou, of eighty-nine, voted on the referendum concerning institutional treat Honey of the Week. Following are the results: Just under 15% of respondents voted negatively, considering the feature to be either tedious or disgracefully chauvinistic. Three centrist types went for the moderate mildly amusing option. ...
8:50 pm

Nick Clegg: Im sorry, what

Gravatar Via the BBC, words of wisdom from our dear leader, Mr Nick Clegg: “When you have a system that is as sclerotic as this - tied up between the two parties - it is quite right for a principled party such as the Liberal Democrats, which believes in political reform from saying, from time to time, [...]
8:37 pm

Sabine Herold élue présidente d'Alternative Libérale

Gravatar L'équipe menée par Sabine Herold, cofondatrice et porte-parole d'Alternative Libérale, a été élue hier à la tête du parti avec 54% des voix des adhérents sur un programme revendiquant lindépendance des libéraux face aux partis conservateurs de droite comme de gauche. Alternative Libérale, le jeune parti libéral né en mars 2006, fêtait son deuxième anniversaire hier en organisant une élection interne pour choisir sa nouvelle direction. Le scrutin a été remporté par la liste menée par Sabine Herold, 26 ans, cofondatrice et porte-parole du mouvement, avec 54% des voix, à lissue dun débat qui a fortement mobilisé les adhérents. Par ...
8:31 pm

Could Labour trigger a stock market crash next week

Gravatar Its an interesting question but quite a valid one to ask now that the terms of the Bill to compensate Northern Rock shareholders has been published. The key problem is the terms that have been set in order to determine the valuation In determining the amount of any compensation payable by the Treasury to any person in accordance with paragraphs 3 to 5, it must be assumed (in addition to the
7:57 pm

George Osborne eaten alive on Radio Five live

Gravatar I've always thought of George Osborne as n over promoted rich boy who lacks any real credibility and gravitas, and this was shown in very great detail today on Radio Five this morning when he was talking about Tory plans to tax alcopops and premium beers at a higher rate. George Osborne starting explaining how his plans were proven because of their success in other countries, with him naming Norway as one such example. Then he, he walked in to a trap of his own making. The BBC interviewer, obviously aware of Mr Osborne's tendency to mention Norway as had ...
7:24 pm

Bad Grammar of the Day

Gravatar Well done, BBC: Mr Yam cried in court after being asked about his life in China before seeking asylum in Britain in 1992.Shortly after telling the jury that he had set up internet blogs in 2002 and 2004 criticising the Chinese government, the press and public were excluded from court.I don't think the press and public should be allowed to talk to the jury like that.
7:07 pm

Diary of a Conference Virgin (aged 29 1/4): Thursday

Gravatar The People’s Republic of Mortimer is very much your modern, convenient lock-up-and-leave totalitarian state, so when this diary was suggested as a way of keeping homebodies in touch with the all-singing all-dancing excitement that is a political party conference, I had only to change the guard, cancel the milk and weaken the currency so that [...]
6:55 pm

News from Nick

Gravatar The latest party video is a brief chat from our leader Nick Clegg telling us about Liverpool and some of the issues facing us at conference. Shortly after that, he headed into the rally, which as I write, is where I’m headed.
6:50 pm

David Laws makes me proud - shock

Gravatar I have never been excited by David Laws before but I am thrilled to bits that he and Annette Brooke have adopted an anti smacking policy, recognising the rights of the child. I have always felt very uncomfortable with our previous position that we were happy with "reasonable chastisement". I got this the other day...... "The Liberal Democrats want to see that children have the same rights as adults against any physical assault. We do not believe that physical violence is acceptable against children, and it can often send out the wrong messages. We want to introduce policies to encourage ...
6:41 pm

House Points: A DNA database

Gravatar My House Points column from today's Liberal Democrat News. DNA madness Sarah Teather called an adjournment debate on Friday about the growth of the national DNA database. The UK now has the largest in the world. It stores 4.5 million profiles - about five per cent. of the population. It includes profiles of half a million people who have never been convicted, charged or cautioned. It includes the profiles of children under 10 and - most worryingly to Sarah - those of three-quarters of young black men. Sarah said: "At the moment, 27 per cent. of the entire black population, ...
6:40 pm

Delayed blogging of Question Time Extra

Gravatar Okay, so this blog stutters carries on by popular(ish) demand. Many thanks for the appreciative comments left, and the handful of emails I've received. Really, I'm blushing. For those who somehow contrived to miss my stellar appearance on BBC News 24's peak-time blockbuster hit, Question Time Extra, you can relive my 25 minutes of glory via the wonders of the web here. Rarely have I watched the
6:27 pm

Shame on the Home Office - Again

Gravatar You would think by now that I'd have become accustomed to the harsh and brutal decisions made by the Home Office regarding asylum seekers and people seeking to settle in this country. In two years I've seen breastfeeding babies separated from their mothers (which is against Home Office policy), several people deported to almost certain persecution and even when our Embassies make a clear error, it's still the person who wants to live here who suffers. I'm still shocked and horrified every time I see a new injustice. Now Mehdi Kamezi, a young gay Iranian student has been refused asylum ...
6:25 pm

Nick Harvey introduces Forces Focus

Gravatar Our 2005 Manifesto stated that one of our priorities was to look after our Armed Forces so they can look after us. At a time when our forces are committed to fighting on two fronts, as well as operations around the world, this holds just as true now as it did three years ago. With [...]
5:33 pm

The Liverpool Arena does have a roof

Gravatar In the spirit of closer working between conference and Lib Dem Voice, we were invited to send an observer to the deliberations of the Federal Conference Committee, which meets shortly before Conference. The Liverpool Arena does have a roof, noted party staff as operation issues began the order of the day. Those who had [...]
5:13 pm

Dundee Television Issues : An update

Gravatar I recently wrote to the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport (Andy Burnham MP) about the proposed different levels of TV channel provision planned for Dundee and the issue of Local Television for the City in the future. Additionally Lord Provost John Letford wrote to Lord Currie of Marylebone (Chair of the media regulator Ofcom) on the issue. I have written in the past to the Department of Culture, Media & Sport and the industry regulator Ofcom about the fact that many of my own constituents in the West End cannot receive any digital terrestrial TV because they ...
5:02 pm

Save our Hillside

Gravatar The campaign to protect the hillside at The Hollow is going from strength to strength with local residents producing their own newsletter that they intend delivering over this weekend. The online petition is growing day by day and I would encourage as many of you to sign the petition as soon as possible. At Or follow the...
5:02 pm

Ron Paul bows out of the Presidential race. Sort of.

Gravatar So Ron Paul appears to have accepted the reality that this election will be fought by John McCain and not him. However, he has pledged to continue the fight for the revolution which he says is not a Ron Paul Revolution, its something much larger than himself, and he invites others to come and spearhead the challenge. I've found what appears to be the first Ron Paul Republican candidate. Greg Lewis is running in the Republican primary for Florida's 8th district. Watch a Ron Paul music video below. It completely shits on all the Obama and Hillary crap I've showed ...
4:23 pm

on House of Lords reform

Gravatar When faced with this question in my AS level Government and Politics class some 4 years ago my suggestion was highly idealist, reflecting my naïve nature at the time (in 4 years time Im sure Ill look back and call myself naïve now). Why not create a chamber the composition of which is based on equal divisions based on the categories of the last census The chamber would be split by gender then by age, race, religion and possibly region. Now I am not a fan of positive discrimination as I believe it undermines the fundamental idea of a meritocracy. ...
4:13 pm

Tree branch concern in Seafield Lane

Gravatar Many thanks to those residents who contacted me earlier today about damage to a tree which sits at the top end of Seafield Lane, near Perth Road. One of the branches had snapped, but was still partially attached and resting on top of the street light on the opposite side of the lane. The street light glass casing had been broken. As one resident put it, "Considering more bad weather is forecast, the tree branch does not look safe as it is stretching from the tree to the street light, accross the road." I immediately contacted both Street Lighting and ...
3:54 pm


Gravatar So a Lib Dem Councillor has defected to Labour today. I am not one of those who thinks all defections are bad. In some cases people genuinely wrestle with their concience and it is a slow and painful process. These people on the whole defect quietly. What sticks in my craw is when someone callously plans an event, deceiving a lot of innocent bystanders on the way. Today Beatrice Frankel tells us that she decided to defect in January. Its obvious to me that she waited till today to create a media stunt. But in between January and today she ...
3:40 pm

Results: Thursday 6th March 2008

Gravatar Beaconsfield TC, Town Con 319/315 (41.4), Beaconsfield Independent Electors Association 300/201 (39.0), Ind 151 (19.6). Majorities 19/15. Turnout 26%. Con hold x 1 and Con gain from Beaconsfield Independent Electors Association x 1. Haringey LBC, Highgate LD Rachel Allison 1339 (50.9; +12.6), Con 725 (27.5; -1.5), Lab 241 (9.2; -1.2), Ind 190 (7.2; -4.5), Green 138 (5.2; -5.4). Majority 614.
3:06 pm

Lots of Virgin bodies

Gravatar I am on the train now, heading to Liverpool for the March Lib Dem jamboree. I'm really looking forward to the late nights, the fatty full cooked hotel breakfasts, the crush to get served at the bar and the delights of the sing-song Saturday night in the glee club.The train we are on is courtesy of Virgin. Travelling to conference is one of those unmissable delights. Packed in, all those heaving
2:21 pm

Third of a million viewings

Gravatar I checked my YouTube account just before leaving the office. My videos have now had a third of a million viewings. Next milestone - half a million. I reckon I should be there in about 5 months' time.---Sent via BlackBerry
1:44 pm

Warwickshire CC Rugby Lawford/New Bilton by-election result

Gravatar In a knife-edge result Labour held on in Rugby Lawford/New Bilton by-election by just one vote.
1:33 pm

We need Liverpool Nemawashi after Referendum upsets

Gravatar Being leader will give Nick many opportunities to learn and reflect on exciting situations and work out better ways for comfort zones (including his own) to be challenged. So after the euro-vote pains lets hope for some Nemawashi at Liverpool Spring Conference. As noted before, in terms of Japanese traditions of decision-making, Nemawshi means the process by which everyone affected by a prospective decision works through in advance what the implications are and accepts the necessary consequences for their own actions and behaviour. I noted before that One of the disciplines of Nemawashi is knowing that you cannot ever get ...
1:16 pm

Oh Tebbit, Tebbit, He Went to the Lords and Hes Still a Runt

Gravatar Julian H must confess that yesterday he bought a copy of The Sextator in Leicester. Naturally you may question his judgement. Why would anyone want to be in Leicester The Leicester-ness was, in fairness, less of a choice than the taking of the self-proclaiming Current Affairs Magazine of the Year (haw haw). The purchase can, perhaps, be excused due to both the reasonable price and old reading the enemy adage. Leaving aside the usual back-slapping of their mate Boris by Liddle and co. (Liddle, if his mugshot sketch is anything to go by, seems to think he resembles Bob Geldof), ...
1:13 pm

on Scottish renewable policy

Gravatar This Monday the 4th of March, the Scottish Government published a consultation paper on microgeneration equipment. The plan is to make power microgeneration equipment permitted development under Scottish planning law. This means that if you wanted to install solar panels, wind turbines, hydroelectric generators etc. on your house in Scotland, you would not need to apply for planning permission. While not knowing how feasible economically these plans are, that would be an issue for householders to decide, I see the move as a welcome step to reducing Britains carbon output. I would love to see it rolled out across all ...
12:48 pm

World shut your mouth, shut your mouth...

Gravatar Apparently, MPs are outraged that HM Revenue & Customs staff pocketed £23.6 million in bonuses despite worsening performance. In the nicest possible way, the Treasury Select Committee can kiss my... hmmm... maybe not. For obvious reasons, I can't rehearse the arguments here as to why some of our staff genuinely merit performance-related pay, and believe me, many of them do. However, performance
12:33 pm

More Primary Schools Face Axe

Gravatar I was at a school governors meeting last night where the closures of North Grecian Street and Charlestown primary schools were discussed. During the discussion the councils officer mentioned that up to fifteen primary schools in Salford will be informed that theyre closing over the next six months. This came as a bit of a [...]
12:31 pm

Nick Clegg calls for opposition to Faceless Britain - what did I do to upset him

Gravatar I have a fine and noble reputation as a Party bureaucrat. Not an apparatchik, just a bureaucrat. My friends call me Faceless Bureaucrat, due in part for my discomfort in the spotlight, but mostly because I tend to toil away in the administrative end of the Party. So now, Nick calls for Liberal Democrats to oppose Faceless Britain. I'm disappointed and hurt... Oh well, a glass of wine and I'll
12:31 pm

Nick Clegg calls for opposition to Faceless Britain - what did I do to upset him

Gravatar I have a fine and noble reputation as a Party bureaucrat. Not an apparatchik, just a bureaucrat. My friends call me Faceless Bureaucrat, due in part for my discomfort in the spotlight, but mostly because I tend to toil away in the administrative end of the Party. So now, Nick calls for Liberal Democrats to oppose Faceless Britain. I'm disappointed and hurt... Oh well, a glass of wine and I'll
12:24 pm

Highgate by-election result

Gravatar Hurrah! Rachel Allison has won the Highgate ward by-election, with a big swing and a more than doubling of the Liberal Democrat majority: Rachel Allison (Liberal Democrat) 1,339 (50.9%, +12.6%) Peter Forrest (Conservative) 725 (27.5%, -1.5%) David Heath (Labour) 241 (9.2%, -1.3%) Ralph Crisp (Independent) 190 (7.2%, -4.4%) Sarah Mitchell (Green) 138 (5.2%, -5.3%) Liberal Democrat majority: 614 (23.3%, +14.1%) I managed to get down to Highgate last night and spent a few hours helping with the campaign. If the Tories were going to get a foothold back in Haringey then this was the place they would do it. The ...
12:10 pm

Gladstone and I - unlikely company in Bed(s)

Gravatar For the umpteenth time this week, I'm on a train. Between Southend, yesterday morning, and Liverpool today, I've been to Luton. I was speaking to the Gladstone Club, a liberal dining club, which has adopted an interesting way of combining politics, food and a connection with the community. They meet at Barnfield College, where a full sit down meal is provided by the catering students. They get some practice and we get fine food and good (if occasionally idiosyncratic) service. It makes a change too, to meet an audience who aren't all Liberal Democrats, especially given our urgent need as ...
11:35 am


Gravatar I don't think I have ever felt as disillusioned by the party as I do at the moment. What a complete and utter shambles! We should be the party engaging with the issues of the Lisbon treaty. We should be the party putting forward the case for Britain to be at the heart of a modern, democratic and forward looking union. We should be the party rising above the splits and empty rhetoric of the other parties, emerging from the debate with integrity and an enhanced reputation amongst the pro-Europeans in our communities. But no, what do we get A ...
11:25 am

Lib Dem Spring Conference

Gravatar It’s Lib Dem Spring Conference in Liverpool this weekend. Conference is usually a very pleasant affair - there’s lots of training; it’s a great source of information; and a good deal of very enjoyable socialising goes on. Plus, unlike the other main parties, members actually get to set and decide upon our policies. Key policies for [...]
11:05 am

London by-elections: what does 2008 tell us so far

Gravatar As with opinion polls, you can often tell more from council by-elections by looking at the pattern over several. There have now been four by-elections in London in 2008, so what is the picture so far There have been two Liberal Democrat holds with increased majorities (Fortune Green in Camden and Highgate in Haringey), one Liberal [...]
10:54 am

The Lisbon Treaty, Murphys Law and Why Policy Matters

Gravatar Many Lib Dems will today be on their way to Conference looking rather glum, and many more will be wondering why everything that could go wrong did seem to go wrong this week. Well, Im not saying I never get crabby with other Lib Dems (whoops), but I reckon its more helpful to work out what to do next time than argue over the blame, still less for either side to accuse the other of being liars and having no principles. Perhaps Im just not Euro-nerdy enough to assume other Lib Dems are evil without trying to see their point. ...
10:00 am

Lords reform one year on

Gravatar A year on from a House of Commons vote on Lords Reform, we asked Baroness Ros Scott about the prospect of the Commons getting its way. When I was asked about going to the Lords, I was warned that I might not be there for long.  That was 8 years ago, and Im not convinced that [...]
9:50 am

Steve Bell on Nick Clegg

Gravatar Sometimes you’ve got to laugh, or you’ll cry. In today’s Guardian:
9:44 am

Lies, damn lies and statistics

Gravatar Following Rachel Allison's landslide win yesterday, with a majority of more than 600 (compared with the smallest majority in the ward of 242 last time), this article in the Haringey Independent has some interesting quotes from the Labour Leader of the Council George Meehan about their candidate's 'success': "David fought a good campaign and though we never expected to win, the number of votes suggests we are reconnecting with the Highgate electorate. If we had won I would have called Gordon Brown to tell him to call the general election tomorrow."It's an interesting interpretation of the results - the Labour ...
9:31 am

To conference and beyond

Gravatar Its a fine and sunny morning here in Sheffield, perhaps heralding a good omen for us all over the next few days. There is little news to distract the media from our activites and the EU treaty referendum has both failed to inspire or capsulate the publics imagination, partly because its actually quite a dull document and mainly because most people just don't understand it's implications. This morning I awoke to find the news dashed across the television screens that school children's faces were being replaced in pictures with fake smiley faces to protect them from pedophiles. It seemed like ...
9:24 am

Hypocrisy of MPs over Post Offices

Gravatar Hows this for breathtaking hypocrisy We've lost two post offices in Belsize in recent years and the sword of Damocles is now hanging over the third. But all three post offices in the Houses of Parliament are to escape the mass cull of London branches even though they are only a few hundred metres apart. In other words its one rule for us and quite another one for our rulers.
9:15 am

Graham's blog entry Friday 7 March 2008

Gravatar The European Confederation of Police, which labours under the wonderful acronym Eurocop, has spoken out against the postponement until 2009 of the new generation Schengen Information System. Originally due to be operational by March of last year, this database is a powerful tool in tracking the movements in and out of the EU of those suspected of serious crimes. The main delays have been technical, but some are political. The EU's data protection supervisor, Peter Hustinx, believes the large scale processing of personal data from frontier controls could lead to great intrusion of individual privacy and that this will lower ...
9:14 am

Scrutiny meeting - bad news on halls, better news on houses

Gravatar Last night was another meeting of the Resource and Performance Overview and Scrutiny Commission. The agenda was fairly short last night, and made even shorter when the main item was postponed. It was supposed to be a report on a strategy for the Borough’s Civic Halls (including the Longfield Suite in St Mary’s). Instead of a paper outlining where the Council wants to go in the future, it was simply a statement of where we are now, lacking in foresight and vision, and really a very disappointing piece of work, not least for the members of the public there to ...
9:06 am

The computers that run Britain sometimes get things wrong

Gravatar I often write on here about how the government is changing this country for the worse - ID cards, mass surveillance and an over-reliance on computer databases to access all types of services. It’s done in the name of security, or data-protection, or ID-fraud prevention, or whatever excuse the government thinks of at the time, but it is depressing that I can’t do anything these days without jumping through hoops to prove who I am. And last night it came back to bite me. I changed my car in November, after the old one threw a strop in the middle of the M1 ...
8:46 am

Lib Dems head to Liverpool

Gravatar This weekend is the Lib Dem spring conference in Liverpool, where the party will be debating exciting new policies, particularly in health, where we will be discussing radical new ideas including massive decentralisation of the NHS to give local communities far more of a say in how services are run. I will be staying in the ward to get on with local issues, but a number of Bury Lib Dems, including St Mary’s ward Councillor Donal O’Hanlon, and Bury South Parliamentary candidate Vic D’Albert, will be at the conference tp help shape our policy and take advantage of the training and ...
8:29 am

Calm down dear, it's a slow news day

Gravatar Both BBC and ITV (GMTV) are leading their Breakfast News with a story about RAF Wittering's commander telling his service men and women not to wear uniform off duty in the town. This is due to verbal abuse. Big deal. This sort of administrative act has happened regularly over the years - particularly during the Irish troubles. It really is daft for Gordon Brown to ask forces people to wear their
8:26 am

Don't punish domestic violence victims by taking their children away

Gravatar John Hemming MP, Chairman of Justice for Families and LibDem MP for Birmingham Yardley, has written to the Minister for Children, Kevin Brennan MP and Minister for Justice Bridget Prentice MP calling for the government to stop punishing women who are victims of Domestic Violence by taking their children away from them. "The Government recently published," he said, "a reportwhich looked at the reasons for care proceedings. If we ignore, for the moment, the fact that some concerns are not well founded when investigated properly, it is quite illuminating to see what the figures are. This report only covered 386 ...
8:15 am

Oop North!

Gravatar Apologies for falling back on the old bloggers phrase, 'blogging will be light for the next few days', however it really is going to be busy over the weekend. The Queen of course, is coming to open Swansea Leisure Centre for the second time today. She first opened it in 1977 but it was closed in 2004 as a result of a failure to maintain it properly. Thanks to significant investment by a new Welsh Liberal Democrat led-administration we now have a brand spanking-new centre to rival anything on offer anywhere else in Europe. Once I have left all the ...
8:08 am

Pouring fuel on the fire

Gravatar The Daily Telegraph reports that motorists could be paying £5 a gallon for petrol within weeks if the Chancellor implements the 2.35 pence a litre rise fuel duty in the Budget. We are told that the Treasury has enjoyed a £4 billion windfall over the past 12 months, largely thanks to the extra tax it has been able to raise in Petroleum Revenue Duty from the North Sea and VAT which rises along with the cost of oil. Despite this the volume of traffic on our roads continues to grow as does daily traffic congestion. Perhaps some of this extra ...
7:09 am

Asylum Laws Gone Mad

Gravatar The laws governing who could claim asylum in the UK used ot be pretty straight forward. If you life was in danger from systematic persecution if you returned to you home country it was likely that asylum would be granted and you would have the right to abide in this country. However, the case of Mehdi Kazemi from Iran shows just how stupid the Home Office has become over what are genuine asylum
1:48 am

Bread-heads and social enterprises

Gravatar I've just been watching some old editions of the Dragons' Den on the "Dave" channel. They've just had on a woman who was running a company making and selling little carry cases for fresh fruit for kids. A good enough idea I'd have thought. But the Dragons seemed to be completely flummoxed by her business model. She was trying to get investment in return for a five per cent stake in the company. Currently the company gives all of its net profit to charities. The proposal was that the company would give 5% of its future profit to the investor ...
12:38 am

The Clintons

Gravatar I don’t want to take anything away from her but I do think her relationship with Bill is a bit odd. I know there are very diverse relationships in Politics as there are in life - I wonder though whether she’s stuck with him, or even suffered not trying to find someone else, so as to assist [...]
12:29 am

Highgate by-election result: stunning Lib Dem victory!

Gravatar What a stunning result. I was confident that Rachel Allison's hard work would pay off and she would be elected today - but she did it in massive style, with over 50% of the vote. The full result from today's Highgate by-election was: Rachel 1339 Labour 241 Tories 725 Green 138 Ralph Crisp 190A massive swing away from the Tories to the Liberal Democrats (I'll do the maths tomorrow, it's been a long day) and a great testament to the work that my colleagues Cllr Neil Williams, Cllr Bob Hare and Justin Portess have been doing in Highgate since the ...
12:21 am

Rachel wins - and more than doubles the majority

Gravatar Hurrah! Rachel Allison has won the Highgate ward by-election, with a big swing and a more than doubling of the Liberal Democrat majority: Rachel Allison (Liberal Democrat) 1,339 (50.9%, +12.6%) Peter Forrest (Conservative) 725 (27.5%, -1.5%) David Heath (Labour) 241 (9.2%, -1.3%) Ralph Crisp (Independent) 190 (7.2%, -4.4%) Sarah Mitchell (Green) 138 (5.2%, -5.3%) Liberal Democrat majority: 614 (23.3%, +14.1%) The figures I've given are compared with what the top candidate from each party won in 2006. However, the closest gap last time (between the third Liberal Democrat and the top Conservative) was 242 - so 614 is more like ...
12:02 am


Gravatar Thursday: This news is OUTRAGEOUS! Jodrell Bank, Great Britain's FOREMOST astronomical research centre and a NATIONAL INSTITUTION to boot is under threat of closure because the government and their Science and Technology Facilities Council quango have decreed that it is of "low priority". "Low Priortity"! This is the telescope that detected the Sputnik, monitored the Moon landings, discovered pulsars and quasars and now observes distant galaxies. The UNITED NATIONS is considering recognising Jodrell bank as a WORLD HERITAGE SITE, ranking it alongside the TAJ MAHAL and the PYRAMIDS. And in 1981 Dr Who used it to save the ENTIRE UNIVERSE! ...
12:01 am

Day 2621: TOYCHWUD: A Day in the Death

Gravatar Wednesday: Yes, that's a surprise; I bet you thought you'd have to wait until next week for the next review, didn't you! Writer Joe Lidster has come up from the Big Finish Audios, beginning with "The Rapture" for Sylvester McCoy in 2002, gaining acclaim for "Master", again with Sylv, and then "Terror Firma" with Paul McGann facing Davros and the Daleks. He's also contributed a couple of "Sapphire and Steel"s. Moving to BBC Wales, he's worked on the Doctor Who website and finally been given a chance to write for television. And this is the best thing he's written yet. ...

Previous days:

Thursday 6th March 2008, Wednesday 5th March 2008, Tuesday 4th March 2008, Monday 3rd March 2008, Sunday 2nd March 2008, Saturday 1st March 2008