There's a turn-up for the book, no press releases at all today, so it seems. And so, instead of just leaving a space, here's a musical interlude for you which also acts as a pointer towards a famous Belgian...

Posted by Mark Valladares on Liberal Democrat Voice

These gorgeous scenes of Great Hucklow capture the Derbyshire village's preparations for the celebration of King George V's Silver Jubilee. Shot by one of its most famous residents, British screenwriter L. du Garde Peach (who's probably better known as Ladybird Books' most prolific author), it's a charming portrait of life and laughter in the Pennine village. We also see a glimpse of the Village Players, a local theatre group led by Peach. The same year this film was shot he worked on the script for The Tunnel, a spectacular sci-fi tale about the troubled construction of a transatlantic tunnel (also ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

Since the banking crash ten years ago, it should have been clear to the most bone-headed of policymakers that there was something wrong with our economic orthodoxy. Unfortunately, the bone-headed seem to have had a most amazing political resilience. The terrible divisions across the USA and the UK too may be one result. The silver lining - and there is one - is that, with no steer and little help from national governments, our cities have found themselves in the economic frontline. It hasn't been easy but I believe there is a small cadre of local government leaders in the ...

Posted by David Boyle on The Real Blog
Tue 23rd

Six of the Best 825

Paul Walter on the proposed changes to the Liberal Democrat constitution: "One of the frustrating things about the debate over Vince's two constitutional proposals is that I am yet to hear Vince come out and actually outline why they are needed." The rubbish you so carefully sort for collection and recycling may end up on illegal dumps in Malaysia. Alice Ross investigates: "Packaging for Fairy dishwasher tablets, Yeo Valley yoghurt and Tesco Finest crisps was scattered across the pile, alongside plastics from Spain, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan and Australia. Use-by dates indicated the packaging was left there in recent months." ...

Posted by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England

A simple little efficiency tip: the autocorrect feature that comes with most smartphones and email programs is designed to turn a mistake such as teh into the. But it can do so much more.

Posted by Mark Pack on Mark Pack

Second paragraph of third chapter: After that terrifying encounter, Adelaide had starlight in her soul. She knew she would follow the Dalek into space - not seeking revenge for the loss of her parents, simply to get out among the stars. Adelaide sacrificed everything to lead the first off-world colony to Mars, leaving her daughter and granddaughter behind on Earth. Heremotional detachment made her a severe and formidable leader. This is a lovely book produced in time for the new Doctor, celebrating 100 (plus a few more) of the strong women characters of both Old and New Who (Pauline Collins ...

Following the all member survey and consultation on setting up a registered supporter scheme the Federal Board met on 15 and 22 October. At the first meeting we saw the results of the survey, and at the second the rapporteur notes of the various consultation events around the country. We discussed these results and your comments and queries and considered the next steps. The Board asked me to thank all those who responded to the online survey, and who came to ask questions and raise comments at the various events, including the two webinars. Many of the issues you have ...

Posted by Sal Brinton on Liberal Democrat Voice

For some reason the old URL stopped letting people subscribe yesterday. This one should work instead —

Posted by Andrew Hickey on Sci-Ence! Justice Leak!

londonkds | Doctor Who: "Rosa" This pretty much echoes my thoughts about the episode (spoilers, obvs) First Black Woman Legislator In Vermont Resigns, Flees To Another Town After Neo Nazis Threaten Her Family miss_s_b | The Blood is the Life for 22-10-2018 I posted The Blood is the Life for 22-10-2018 to my dreamwidth blog If you like what you see here (or even if you don't) please consider dropping me a tip: [IMG: Paypal Donate Button] [IMG: Buy Me an uncaffeinated beverage (because I'm allergic to coffee) at] [IMG: comment count unavailable] comments

Yesterday Sally Hamwee wrote about why she and Labour were going to have a good go at amending the Government's Crime (Overseas Production Orders) Bill to ensure that In an article for Politics Home, she set the scene: The UK has long opposed the use of the death penalty in other countries, and we have committed ourselves to the goal of abolishing it everywhere. We can do this by using our diplomatic influence, and also by refusing to help foreign governments with prosecutions that will result in someone being executed. That has been longstanding government policy: the UK must get ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice
Tue 23rd

My tweets

Mon, 12:44: RT @LyudaKozlovska: Worrying to see @EPPGroup & @TheProgressives (who signed #BringHerBack petition to stop SIS abuse!) voting this Thu on... Mon, 12:56: Corbyn's gift to the Tories and Mrs May - his boycott of the House of Lords Interesting point. Mon, 16:05: I pulled a 1,500-year-old sword out of a lake 8-year-old Saga tells her story. Lovely! Mon, 18:29: Monday reading Mon, 20:48: Autograph Letter by J.R.R. Tolkien for sale For a mere $48,000. Mon, 22:24: He was in Doctor Who in 1966. (Playing one of the astronauts in William Hartnell's last story, The ...

Perhaps the biggest theme of this era across the West is that politics has become completely polarised; that Left and Right have gone to further extremes, with the Centre being ignored by the electorate. I'm going to try and explain here, in the simplest terms I can, why this happened. Again, I will be simplifying for the purpose of brevity – there is loads of complexity in all this, but it's time to stop using that as an excuse. Maybe a boiling down of the basic issues is what is required. From the end of the Second World War until ...

Posted by Nick on

[IMG: Water leaking from road (The Undercliffe)] Kent Trading Standards have received reports of criminals phoning residents claiming there is an issue with the drains outside their property and they say the drainage company will fix it for free. When the criminal arrives they claim the road behind them had the blockage which was connected to their property. They say they can fix it for £1,500 to be paid in cash and they claim Kent County Council (KCC) wants the work completed. This is a scam. The claim about KCC is untrue. Warn vulnerable family members, friends and neighbours living ...

We can win this thing one conversation at a time, but that means every one of us has to pull a shift. I suggest 3 simple things that everyone in here can do right now. 1. Write to your MP and tell them you want a Peoples Vote. It doesn't matter who they are or what party or what they've said on this. Write to them as a voter. A short, polite email is fine. 2. Now go to the People's Vote website and sign the petition. Also check out the briefings and other material there. 3. Think of 5 ...

Posted by The Voice on Liberal Democrat Voice

The BBC has the story on its web site – see link below I'm a driver and a cyclist so I can see things from both sides of the divide. That some drivers are inconsiderate and dangerous is a given but so are some cyclists who jump red lights just like the mad drivers. In many ways they are likely to be the same people i.e. if you drive through red lights you probably cycle through them as well. The bottom line is that there is a section of the cycling population who are as much a pain and ...

Posted by Cllr. Tony Robertson on Sefton Focus

Since the banking crash ten years ago, it should have been clear to the most bone-headed of policymakers that there was something wrong with our economic orthodoxy. Unfortunately, the bone-headed seem to have had a most amazing political resilience. The terrible divisions across the USA and the UK too may be one result. The silver [...] The post What does inclusive growth mean in practice? appeared first on Radix.

Posted by David Boyle on Radix

Famously, Michael Gove declared during the 2016 referendum campaign that 'Britain has had enough of experts'. What he meant of course was that as he was unable to answer perfectly reasonable questions about some of the misleading statements being put out by the leave campaign, he had had enough of experts proving him wrong all the time. It was a classic deflection response to awkward questioning. Nevertheless those inconvenient experts continue to speak put on Brexit and the devastating impact it will have on the UK. The latest warning comes from World-leading scientists and mathematicians from across Europe, who tell ...

Posted by Peter Black on Peter Black

The party has put up this uplifting video of Saturday's march. For those of us who were there it's great to remember that time when you were in the same place as 700,000 like-minded people. For those who weren't, and who either have always felt nervous or are starting to feel nervous about Brexit, it's encouraging to see so many people out there winning the argument. We marched because we demand better than what this Tory Government is offering us. We demand better than the utter mess they are making out of Brexit and we demand a final say on ...

Posted by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice

I admit to being prejudiced, but it seems to me that the Brexiteers make only four contritions to the Brexit debate, which they do with increasing stridency and in the threatening manner commonly associated bullies. They are: 1. We are leaving the EU at 11am on Friday 29th March next year. That's it; end of story. 2. We are implementing the will of the British people. 3. It is undemocratic to question or attempt to reverse the result of the referendum of June 2016. 4. Just admit it: you lost. Losers! In fact all mean much the same thing. Martin ...

Posted by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal

St Peter's Free Church - St Peter StreetThursday 8th November, 5.30pm - 6.30pm Revolutionary youth orchestra Tinderbox collaborate with the incredible Sistema Scotland Big Noise Douglas Project - a charity that aims to transform the lives of children through music and strengthen disadvantaged communities. Taking inspiration from video games music, Tinderbox and Big Noise Douglas will improvise a new collaborative score. They will also be treating us to musical performances from their individual repertoires. Big Noise Douglas works with over 400 children in Dundee, and around 2,500 children across Scotland every week, towards permanent social change. A free event - ...
